Hoosiers in the Heartland: Real Stories about Indiana People, Places and Thoughts

This is a book that stems from columns I wrote about Indiana subjects when my family was young and the horror of 9/11 had not changed the world. My daughter Callie said I should make it available for folks to read and remember those times. Keep in mind, I was younger then. I made my mistakes. My opinions have softened, my politics have moved to the left. I'm a grandpa now, so I think all God's children ought to be loved and spoiled and sent home on a sugar high. One thing for sure, I still love my family. I still love old Indiana. Soon it will be 200 years old. How I feel on most days these days. So, don't gripe. It's free reading material. Have fun. Be present. Peace, love, joy.
(Click on the title above, and read your little Hoosier heart out.)